Mandalas Crochet Along


When I’m working on long projects I get a little tired of the repetition and my mind wanders off to new ideias, usually very fast to make as if they were “breaths of fresh air“ just to break the monotony of the work. But Sofia, why do you say that? Don’t you like to crochet?… Of course I do, but this happens and it’s normal to feel a bit bored throughout the crocheting, specially when you’re working on something that’s going to take time and patience. (No one said that patience is inexhaustible, right?)

So, when this happens, I look for a small project to work on as a break from the long one, and simply enjoy it.
in this case I came across a CAL (crochet along) of mandalas I could assemble together once finished, and make some sort of a panel or poster to hang somewhere in the house.
And these are the two I did so far.

If you’d like to crochet mandalas for yourself or as a gift, you can pay a visit to Ashley’s website Love and Loop here, where you can find the Mandalas CAL by month.

I hope you enjoy it! :)

CrochetSofiaCAL, mandalas